# Origin stories of AI in News Media and Journalism Go back to [[Week 3 - Introduction]] --- It might be worth tracking down this book by Whittaker and Jason and having a read. The beginnings of automated journalism were modest. In 2007, Robbie Allen, an engineer at the networking hardware and software company Cisco, set up an online sports network called "Stat Sheet". As he later remarked in a post for Automated Insights, Allen started the company to keep track of –and publish –information on basketball teams(4). 4. Whittaker, Jason (2019). Tech Giants, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Journalism. Taylor & Francis, p10. Some of the services being mentioned here might be worth tracking down for more detail. Automated news introduced to newsrooms around 2010 in the United States by software companies Narrative Science and Automated Insights, their software already produces hundreds of thousands of texts for news organizations, including respected media companies such as Associated Press and Forbes,In Europe, automated news is still in the experimental stage: companies in Germany, France and United Kingdom are offering limited services to a few media customers, mainly news on the stock market, weather forecasts and football, In the Nordic region, the Swedish newspaper company "Mittmedia"is producing automated localized weather reports for each municipality in the circulation area and sports news is in the test stage(5). (5) Linden,Carl-Gustav (2017). Decades of Automation in the Newsroom: Why are there Still so Many Jobs in Journalism?, Digital journalism, 5(2), pp129-130. --- Integration or Replacement: Journalism in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Robot Journalism Go back to the [[Readings list]] or the [[Master of Philosophy - Main Page]] Reference: Saad Saad, D., & Issa, T. A. (2020). Integration or Replacement: Journalism in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Robot Journalism. International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications. 6(3). The [relevant section is available here.](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Saad_Saad13/publication/343263293_International_Journal_of_Media_Journalism_and_Mass_Communications_IJMJMC_Page_1_Integration_or_Replacement_Journalism_in_the_Era_of_Artificial_Intelligence_and_Robot_Journalism/links/5f203ecd92851cd5fa4e48e1/International-Journal-of-Media-Journalism-and-Mass-Communications-IJMJMC-Page-1-Integration-or-Replacement-Journalism-in-the-Era-of-Artificial-Intelligence-and-Robot-Journalism.pdf)